CRE REACH is generating the new knowledge that will lead to improved health outcomes. Our research is building the evidence around the Aboriginal Community priorities of smoking, under/over nutrition, youth mental and physical health and injuries using a range of research methodologies alongside health economics and biostatistics.
These priority areas have been chosen for their substantial contribution to ill health among Indigenous Australians. There is potential for significant advancements to close the gap if key research questions in these areas are answered.
Knowing the answers to these questions is just the first step. CRE REACH is promoting the rapid transfer of research outcomes into health policy and practice by designing adoption ready research, using rigorous methods and the continuous dissemination of knowledge to the research and wider community through traditional channels of publications, presentations, reports and media releases along with annual research dissemination workshops, stakeholder dialogues and community panel forums.
We can't do this alone. We're establishing strong partnerships between leading researchers, policy-makers and service providers from the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector and mainstream health system.
CRE REACH is a capacity building program of work that over the five years of operation will grow the Aboriginal research workforce through post-docs, PhDs, research traineeships, professional development and Community partnerships.
We're providing advanced training opportunities for the health and medical research workforce, building a new generation of research leaders and supporting Aboriginal people working in Community Controlled Health Services to be more actively in designing, delivering and evaluating the health programs in their communities. Over the five years CRE REACH will support at least 4 post-docs, 4 standard PhDs, 4 industry PhDs, 4 Aboriginal traineeships.
These young researchers will strengthen our collaborations, bring fresh perspectives that are impact focused and ensure our research outputs are prioritised to make a meaningful difference for their communities.
Visit the Study page for more information.